Oct. 2-6: It is not always easy to come up with only five favorites of a city. There’s always an extra handful of contenders. Though, I have cultivated a ritual that helps me sort the “that was great” from the “must do’s”. At the end of a trip,
Oct. 2-6: It is not always easy to come up with only five favorites of a city. There’s always an extra handful of contenders. Though, I have cultivated a ritual that helps me sort the “that was great” from the “must do’s”. At the end of a trip,
Oct 2-6: With over 40% of Vancouverites being of Asian descent, it comes as no surprise that Chinatown feels authentic and is a vibrant slice of the city. So much so, that you should check out the real Vancouver Chinatown. There is a hustle and bustle that is evident from walking through the streets of this hood,
Oct 2-6: Abundant green spaces with ribbons of bike paths weaving through them. This is part of what makes Vancouver such a desirable and livable city. Miles of trails become the playground for young and old urbanites alike to explore some of the best that Vancouver has to offer.
Sep. 4: The loft is decidedly a noisy place on a holiday weekend. It wasn’t obvious at first, but if it wasn’t the noise carrying from the bar downstairs, it was the neighbors having a party. And when they settled down, the seagulls starting conversing loudly.
Sep. 6 and 7: I am back in Eugene now. It took the better part of the day to travel from Victoria to Eugene. But I will back track to yesterday morning. We had a whole other fun filled day in Victoria, so let me not brush over that.