Adventure Tips

Adventure Tips

We all love to travel to exotic places and try new things! I know I always feel like one day of travel provides me with a week or more of stimulation, had I stayed home. I can fit so much life into those brief periods of time – it’s awesome! And then the memories. . .    Having treasured memories for years to come is almost as much fun as having the experiences themselves. 

I find that the more time and energy I invest in preparing for my travels, the more enriched I feel during the trip. Not everyone enjoys travel preparation.  Some of us prefer to be completely spontaneous. And that can work too, although it has its risks. In any case, you will need to develop your own travel style. And it may morph as time goes on and that is all good. 

Knowing myself, I prefer to be armed with knowledge and a strategy so that I have lots of choices as I go and have options if things do not go quite as foreseen.

Below, I have compiled a list of my blog entries that offer advice on traveling. I share tips and tricks and perspectives that I have found helpful. And I hope you will find these adventure tips useful as well. Please let me know what you think, I love to hear from you.